What's New
Guy Burgess and Heidi Burgess
June 12. 2017
Both the Frontier Seminar and the Fundamentals Seminar are now fully underway, and we are in the middle of Unit 4: Moving Toward a Complexity-Oriented Paradigm in the Frontier Seminar, and are beginning Unit 5 Conflict Overlay Factors in the Fundamentals Seminar.
April 7, 2017
The new system is now fully operational and we are in the process of starting the Spring 2017 MOOS Seminars. The "pre-posts" went out on social networks last week and the first substantive posts start on Monday, April 10. The first two units of the Frontier Seminar and the Fundamentals Seminar, are, however, already available here on their respective syllabus pages.
March 22, 2017:
Yesterday we started the process of switching from the "old system" to the "new system." This can take up to 48 hours to propogate around the world, so we have had to delay the start of the MOOS a few more days to make sure everyone can see it. Hopefully, however, we will be able to start the MOOS "pre-posts" on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn by Monday March 27 (perhaps before) and the first substantive seminar posts on Monday April 3. The first two units of the Frontier Seminar and he Fundamentals Seminar, are, however, already available here on their respective syllabus pages.
Since this site is just hours old, we may still have undiscovered problems with it. We would appreciate hearing about difficulties you might encounter. See the orange box on the right side of the home page that explains how to contact us to tell us about problems.
March 13, 2017:
We are very pleased to announce that our system makeover is now in the final testing stage and, assuming all goes well, we plan to deploy the new Beyond Intractability site later this week. We will then be starting a week of introductory posts about our revised Moving Beyond Intractability Massive Open Online Course (MBI-MOOS) on Monday March 20, and will start the substantive MOOS posts on Monday March 27. All of the first two units of the Frontiers Seminar and the first unit of the Fundamentals Seminar are already available on the new BI and MBI if you want to see what this is all about.
Nov. 2016 - Operating System Switch-over Still in Process
Sadly, the effort to move BI onto a new operating system has been much more time-intensive than hoped, so we're still working on it. We've decided to hold off posting new MOOS posts until the new site is done.
July 2016: Working on the Underlying Operating System
As we were working on developing the Moving Beyond Intractability MOOS, it because apparent that our original BI system was showing its age and was in danger of failing. As a result, we have now put all of our efforts into rebuilding the system from scratch with a new, more modern operating system. This is a big job for a very small organization with very little funding, so it is going slowly. We hope to be done by mid-August, however, in time (we hope) to deploy a new version of the Moving Beyond Intractability Massive Open Online Seminar in early September. Stay tuned!
Winter, 2015-2016: Beta Version of the "Massive Open Online Seminar" Moving Beyond Intractability is Deployed to a Re-Designed BI Home Page
In the winder of 2015-2016 we introduced a beta version of our "Massive Open Online Seminar (MOOS) on the left side of the BI homepage, leaving the original BI material on the right. We posted about 25 posts (which still remain posted) before we stopped production to focus on revisions and an upgrade of the entire BI site.